Simulation Simulation provides elements for creating simulation models of intra-logistic systems. It is an optional add-on module that requires Starter or Professional as a base. You can obtain Simulation from the Unity Asset Store. It includes elements for physics-based belt and roller conveyors as well as path-based path systems. Combined use of the path-based and physics-based systems is also possible.
Upgrading to Simulation 2022
If you upgrade your project from 2021 you shoud follow Upgrade to 2022.
In some cases there might be a problem with the colliders of the side guides when upgrading. You can launch realvirtual > Update Simulation Scene to 2022
for changing all side guides in the current scene to the correct layer (rvTransport).
General library structure
The library contains separate folders for belt and roller conveyors as well as path systems. On the main level there is one demo scene per application area, which contains all essential functions. Components used in both systems are contained in the Common folder.
The belt and roller conveyor systems are simulated based on physical movements. This means that the goods (Movable Units - MUs) have Rigidbodies, Colliders and the property IsKinematic is set to false. Using physics for conveyor systems produces more natural and realistic movement of goods, and is even faster than trying to do the same with a path-based animation (in our experiments, a path-based conveyor system that does not use Unity Physics has about half the performance).
In path systems, no physics is used to move the moving units. Goods are moved along lines and curved paths. This is slower than using physics in terms of the computational power required, but guarantees that, for example, the AGVs stay exactly on the defined paths. In this case, IsKineamtic is set to true and the movement of the elements is performed by the Path Mover.
Installation and first steps
Please install the simulation via the Unity Asset Store or via Assets > Import Package > Custom Package. Then you can install the simulation library the same way.
Please install Starter or Professional first.
It is best to have a look at the demo scene of the sorting system directly after the installation. You can find the demo scene at Assets/realvirtual-Simulation/DemoPathsystem_UseCases.unity.
Via the Quick Edit Overlay menu you can add components to the simulation model. The Quick Edit Overlay can be shown in scene view by hitting the key F1.
Alternatively, the library objects (these are Unity prefabs) can also be placed in the scene simply by dragging and dropping them from the project folder.
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