Selection Window

Working with large assembly structures

The Selection Window is only available within the professional version.

The Selection Window is enabling a fast selection of components in the 3D assembly (game object) hierarchy. You can select components based on the visibility status, assign groups to components and view and hide groups.

Opening the selection window

To open the Selection window please select realvirtual> Selection window (Pro) in the menu. This will open this window:

Actions with ALL

In the section Actions with ALL you can sop the suppression of all components or show all hidden components.


It is important to know that there are two levels of selection. The first one is the normal Unity Selection (this means all highlighted objects in the hierarchy). You can save currently selected objects in a temporarily g4a selection by pushing Add selected. All actions that you are performing under Actions with Selection are performed on the Unity AND rvselection.


Add selected

Adds the selected components to the rvselection

To Unity selection

Moves the rvselection to the Unity selection

Remove selected

Removes the selected objects from the rvselection

Remove all

Removes all objects from the rvselection

Select Invisible

Selects all invisible objects

Select Visible

Selects all visible objects

Select Unlocked

Selects all unlocked objects

Select Locked

Selects all locked objects

Select Layer

Selects all objects on the defined layer

Select Material

Selects all objects with the defined material

Actions with selection

These are actions that you can perform with the selected objects. The actions are always performed for all objects in the current Unity and selection.


Assign Material

Assigns the selected material

Change Shader

Changes the shader of the material

Material Update

With a material update, defined materials in a scene can be replaced with others. Material Update

Suppress children

Suppresses all children components in the hierarchy view

To new Parent

Moves the components to the new (selected) parent

Copy to empty Parent

Makes a copy of the components and moves them to the new (selected) parent

To Layer

Moves the components to the defined layer


Makes the selected components visible


Makes the selected components invisible


Isolates the selected components (and makes the rest invisible)

View all

Stops the isolation and displays all components


Locks the components


Unlocks the components

To Group

Assigns the components to the defined group. If the group is not yet existing it is created.

Remove Groups

Removes all groups from the selected components

Collapse same level

Collapses all components to the same hierarchy level

Expand same levels

Expands all components to the same hierarchy level

Pivot to origin

Moves the pivot of the component to the origin of the defined component

Pivot to center

Moves the pivot of the component to the center of the defined component


Makes the components static


Makes the components non-static (movable)

Remove G4A scripts

Removes all Scripts from the selected components

Remove missing scripts

Removes all null-components from the current selection

Bake to single mesh

Combines all selected meshes to one mesh and saves it to a new gameObject. You can define a name for this gameObject in "Name baked mesh:"


In the Group section, you can find all groups that are defined in the current model.



Adds the selected components to the Group


Removes the selected components from the Group


Hides all components which are currently belonging to the Group


Shows all components currently belonging to the Group

Material Update

The Material update allows you to replace defined materials in a scene with others by one click. To use this feature, you need to define an update by creating an asset called "MaterialUpdate" in the current folder, which can be defined in the Inspector. To create the asset, right-click in the Project area and select "Create/realvirtual/Add material update settings".

You can use the following parameters to specify which materials should be replaced: material, RGB color, and material name or partial name. All of these input parameters are considered in the order listed. You can assign a specific material or a blueprint material, but only one of these options can be defined at a time. Multiple mappings can be defined, and to add another mapping, simply click on the "+" button. The mappings in the list are carried out sequentially, and they can overwrite each other. The material update replaces materials of imported, non-instantiated prefabs with instantiated ones, resulting in improved performance.

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Last updated