Free prepared demonstration and demo szenes
Last updated
Free prepared demonstration and demo szenes
Last updated
The ModelZoo is a curated collection of ready-to-use simulation models for training, testing, and demonstration. Each model is built to highlight specific capabilities of the platform — from fully simulated demo scenes to advanced virtual commissioning setups with real PLC and robot controller integration.
All models are delivered as standalone .exe
applications and can be used without a license.
Whether you're learning PLC programming, testing robot communication, or evaluating automation workflows, the ModelZoo provides a fast, hands-on way to explore in action.
ℹ️ Note: For models requiring PLC or robot controller integration, please refer to the individual documentation pages for setup instructions and prerequisites. Pure simulation scenes that do not require special hardware or connections are not documented here.
The following controls apply to all ModelZoo scenes:
Rotate / Zoom / Pan using the middle and right mouse buttons
Press ESC to close the current scene and return to the scene selection menu
Press F to focus the camera on the current scene if you're lost in 3D space
For more UI features and shortcuts, check out the Runtime UI Documentation.
For all virtual commissioning models, the communication interface (such as IP address, port, or NetID) must be configured before connecting.
To do this:
Click the ⚙️ Settings icon in the top menu bar
Enter the required connection parameters for your target system
All models start in "Non Connected" mode by default
After entering the parameters, click the 🔌 Connect switch (represented by two plugs)
If the switch turns green, the connection is successfully established.
Note: In some interfaces, the connection status may fluctuate briefly, and the simulation may experience short lags during connection or reconnection. After setting the interface properties once they are saved and on the next scene start they will be the same.
For detailed setup instructions, refer to the individual model documentation.
Most scenes in the ModelZoo include a built-in Log Window at the bottom of the screen.
You can open it by clicking the small icons in the lower-left corner of the screen.
The log window allows you to:
View messages about the current version and scene status
Monitor connection feedback and warnings
Enter special commands to control simulation behavior
Type help
in the input field to see a full list of available commands.
One especially useful command is:
– Hides the info box that appears at the start of the scene
This tool is particularly valuable for setup verification, debugging, and customizing your simulation experience.