Model Checker

Finding common issues in your model

In new scenes, the Model Checker runs automatically upon scene startup to detect common issues and recommend performance optimizations. You can activate the checker using the shortcut Alt+T or via the main menu. To deactivate it, use the provided buttons in the UI. Select the "Info" button to view relevant documentation pages, or choose "Show" for certain issues to highlight related game objects in the scene.

Alternatively, the Model Checker can be disabled through the setting in the scene's realvirtualController.

Here is an overview of the performed checks:

  1. CheckNonStaticMeshes: Identifies non-moving GameObjects without Drive components in parent hierarchies.

  2. CheckStaticMeshes: Detects static meshes under drives that prevent movement.

  3. HugeMeshes: Warns about objects with excessively large vertex counts (>5% of total) compared to others.

  4. NumberOfMeshes: Advises on optimizing performance by reducing the number of meshes if exceeding 1000.

  5. NonSharedMaterials: Alerts about GameObjects with a high number of distinct materials (>20) for optimization.

  6. MUsWithoutRigidbody: Highlights MUs lacking Rigidbody components for physics interactions.

  7. GuidedTransport: Identifies MUs without GuidedMU components needed for guided transport surfaces.

  8. SensorRaycastLayer: Advises adding standard layers (rvMU or rvMUSensor) for Raycast Sensors to detect collisions with MUs.

  9. CheckSinkLayer: Advises using the standard layer (rvSensor) for Sink components for collision detection with MUs.

  10. SensorColliderLayer: Suggests using the standard layer (rvSensor) for Collider Sensors for efficient collision detection with MUs.

  11. ComplexColliders: Notes the presence of numerous Mesh Colliders (>20) and suggests using simpler colliders like Box Colliders for better performance.

  12. ManyColliders: Alerts about a high number of colliders (>300) in the scene, advising reduction for performance improvement.

  13. CollidersOnNonStandardLayers: Identifies Colliders not on standard layers (rvMU, rvMUSensor, rvTransport, rvSelection, rvSensor), recommending standard layers for efficient collision detection.

  14. NumberOfLights: Advises optimizing performance by reducing the number of lights (>2) and turning off shadows.

These checks aim to improve scene performance and functionality by identifying common issues and providing actionable recommendations.

Last updated