Runtime UI

User interface for the published Digital Twin

The Runtime UI will be, if you compile your project to any destination platform, part of your delivered Digital Twin. The Runtime UI can be customized by yourself and extended with the standard Unity UI components if you wish. You can have a preview of the Runtime UI in the Game Window during simulation mode in Unity editor.

The Runtime UI is part of the prefab. It can be enabled and disabled in the Realvirtual (before 2022 Game4AutomationController), which is a script on the top level of the Realvirtual prefab.

The Runtime UI looks like this:

Top Menu

In the top menu bar of the RuntimeUI you find the following buttons.



Pushing on the play button will restart the simulation


Pauses the simulation

Step Forward

Steps one physics step forward

Ortohogonal / Perspective

Switches between ortogonal and perspective view

Side / Top / Frond View Overlay

Turns on/off the Orthographic side views

First Person Controller / CAD controller

Switches between first person controller and cad like mouse controller

Object Selection

enables object selection

Connection Status

Switches the connection status and displays in green if an interface is connected (see below)

Quality Settings

Allows to change the render quality - this only works in Standard Render Pipeline

If you don't need the Runtime UI it can be turned off in the Game4AutomationController bei deselecting UI Enabled on Start. It is also possible to turn off certain buttons in the Top Menu by deactivating the Gameobjects.

Connection Status

If you toggle this button the connection status will be switched between Connected and Disconnected. All objects which are based on the realvirtual.ioBehavior class can be enabled or disabled based on this connection switch.

The main usecase of this switch is to have one model which can run in Simulation mode, where everything in the model is controlled by included scripts and in Virtual Commissioning (Connected) mode, where some scripts might be disabled and interfaces are enabled. With this option you can decide this on a very detailed level for every component.

For this all components have the property Active this property can be one of the following



The script is always active, independent from the connection switch


The script is only active when the connection switch is set to Connected (the plugs are connected)


The script is only active when the connection switch is set to Disconnected (the plugs are connected)


The script is never active and always disabled

Don't change

The script enabled status is not changed based on the Connection Switch

If you implement your own behavior components you need to implement your enable and disable logic of your script into the standard methods OnEnable and OnDisable. The interface base classes already have this and call automatically OnConnect() and OnDisconnect().

Object Selection

In runtime it might happen, that not all meshes can be hovered / selected. This is due to static batching in the Player settings. Please turn off Project Settings > Player > Other Settings > Static Batching

The object selection enables selection of scene elements and offers options for focusing on and rotating around objects. It can be enabled or disabled by setting the ObjectSelectionEnabled property in the Game4AutomationController.

Object selection is using a mesh collider, which is added to every game object at the start, if no collider is already present. These gameobjects are assigned to g4a Selection layer. Further information concerning Layers is described in Physics.

While navigating the scene with the mouse pointer, moving the pointer over an object will highlight it. By clickon on an object it will get selectid. If the RuntimeInspector is enabled in RealvirtualController the properties of the selected objectare displayed. The "Runtime Inspector" is disabled in the demo model.


one click left mouse button

object is selected

double click left mouse button

object is selected and the camera focus is set


camera focus is set to the currently selected object

right mouse button pressed

rotation around selected object


as long as ALT is pressed the camera will follow the selected object. The selected object is centered and rotation is done around the object


deselect the selected object

Additional configuration options for object selection can be accessed through the Selection Raycast Component, located on the Main Camera. Within this component, the Highlight Function, Highlight Colors, and Center Icon can be enabled or disabled, and their settings can be modified.

Camera Positions

Camera positions, perspective settings as well as the settings for the orthographic side views are saved to the current values as soon as you quit the scene. This is done by the CameraPos Scriptable asset. This asset can be assigned in the SceneMouseNavigation, which is attached to the main camera.

If you use a standard Realvirtual (before 2022 Game4automation) component in your scene, all scenes are sharing the same standard camera settings. To create a new camera position setting you need to create a new scriptable component like this:

You can save this asset wherever you would like to and assign it to the SceneMouseNavigation.

For creating a new camera position or saving the camera position when you leave play mode you should turn on Save Camera Pos On Quit. You need to turn it off again if you don't want to change the Start Camera Position

Main Camera

You can move the main camera as you are used to it in Unity Editor mode. If you want to change the sensitivity of movement, please change the settings in the SceneMouseNavigation script which is attached to the Main camera.

Additionally there are some standard hotkeys (see below) for Front (F), Back (B), Top (T), Left(L) and Right (R) Side view for the main camera.

Orthographic Camera / Side Views

Sometimes additional side, top and front views are very handy. This is for example the case, if you would like to teach a robot and have a good view on the current orientation and position. By selecting "O" or by using the Icon in the top menu bar 3 overlay windows are opened with 3 additional orthographic cameras.

You can move each orthographic view by using the mouse within the view. Pushin "O" again closes the view. With Plus and Minus on the Numpad you can increase the size of the views and with "Tab" you can rotate all the Orthographic cameras by 90 Degrees around the global Y axis..


Most hotkeys (besides standard camera navigation) are defined within the RealvirtualController (before 2022 Game4AutomationController) You can turn off all hotkeys by deselecting Enable Hotkeys. By selecting None in one hotkey only this hotkey is deactivated.

Scene Navigation


The scene mouse navigation is controlled by a script which is attached to the Main Camera, which is part of the prefab. With the SceneMouseNavigation properties you can change the behavior and speed of the mouse navigation.


The touch navigation, which is mainly used for mobile devices, is also attached to the Main Camera. With the properties of the TouchInterface script you can control how the touch interface is behaving.

First Person Controller

New in Version 2019.3 is a included First Person Controller. You can move in the scene like in a First Person Shooter game.

The First Person View is enabled and disabled by the button with a mouse or a person in the top bar of the runtime ui.

The first person view is active when the button looks like this:

During the First Person View you can control the view with the following buttons:

Button / MouseDescription

Mouse movement

changes the direction of the view


moves forward


moves left


moves right


moves backward


person goes into knees


movement is faster

Runtime Inspector

The runtime inspector is meant for debugging or inspecting in detail component properties. You can change these properties but the properties are not changed when you leave the simulation mode. This means that the runtime inspector is not meant to replace the Unity Editor. In standard settings the runtime inspector is disabled. You can turn the RuntimeInspector on in the Game4AutomationController settings:

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Last updated