Reusable Components (Prefabs)

How to build up your own reuse library. Only available with the professional version.


Prefabs are powerful assets that allow developers to create, store, and reuse preconfigured game objects and their components.

When creating optimal prefabs for your project, keep the following best practices in mind:

  1. Simplify GameObject Structure Ensure the hierarchy is as simple as possible. Avoid unnecessary nesting or components to improve performance and maintainability. The realvirtual tool "Clean Up Hierarchy" supports this.

  2. Use Instantiated Materials All materials should be instantiated. This helps reduce memory usage and allows efficient batching during rendering. You can use the option "Set and Create Materials" in the CAD link component and create instantiated materials when importing your data.

  3. Use Instantiated Meshes Ensure that meshes are unique instances to avoid conflicts and improve compatibility when creating prefabs.

  4. Combine Meshes If components consists of several meshes use the Mesh Combine to merge multiple meshes into a single mesh.

  5. Share Materials Where Possible Use shared materials across multiple objects to minimize the number of draw calls. The fewer unique materials, the better the performance.

By adhering to these principles, you can create prefabs that are efficient, scalable, and ready for integration into complex projects.

Creating Prefabs in realvirtual

The PrefabGenerator is a utility designed to simplify the creation of prefabs. It operates in the Unity Editor and automates the process of generating prefabs, including handling sub-assets such as dynamically created meshes within child objects. It also considers Drives, Kinematics, and Group definitions, preserving their structure when creating the prefab. The PrefabGenerator also includes instantiated meshes in the scene (e.g., from previous combining), resulting in lighter scenes.


  • Select the GameObject in the Scene Hierarchy that you want to convert into a prefab.

  • Right-Click in the hierarchy area and select realvirtual/Create Prefab

  • A prefab will be created in the Assets/ folder with the same name as the selected GameObject.


For the example, we start with a CNC machine where components like "Drives" are already defined, along with some group definitions.

To prepare this GameObject as a prefab, follow these steps:

  • Clean up the hierarchy: realvirtual/Clean up Hierarchy

  • using realvirtual/Combine Meshes for every main Game Object

After these steps the structure look like this:

Now your Game Object is prepared and ready to create a prefab:

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