HMI Message Professional
HMI Messages can be used to display for example warnings, failures or maintenance information based on the PLC Status. Each HMI Message is activated by a PLCOutputBool.
Messages are sorted into the message stack by category (Failure, Warning, Message) and based on the time stamps. Messages can be modal (they ned to be Acknowledged before any other Message can be displayed) or not. If Messages are not modal they can be closed without acknowledgement. They are sorted to the last position on the message stack.
To provide messages consists of 3 areas
on the left: message icon
in the middle: message text and the time stamp
on the right: message buttons:
show/ information button
acknowledge button
cancel button
HMI Message
Currently 3 types of messages can be definded: Message, Warning and Failure.
Msg Type
Use User Defined Color
: custom background color. By default are the following colors are set Message --> light grey; Warning --> yellow; Failure --> redBackground Color
: user defined background color of the messageUse User Defined Icon:
custom icon on the left hand side of the messageMessage Icon:
user iconText
: text of the messageSize Text
: font size of the messageShow Time Stamp:
boolean, if true a time stamp is shown at the lower left cornerModal
: if true this messag is modal and everything else is closed. You must acknowledge the message before anything else can be displayed.Message Check Time:
duration after the message signal is checked again after canceling the message.Cancel Button:
bool, if true a cancel button appears in the messageAcknowledge Button:
bool, if true a acknowledge button appears in the messageShow Button:
bool, if true a show button appears in the messageMessage Camera
: Optional cinemachine camera for defining the camera position for this message.Camera Show Details:
second cinemachine camera to focus on a certain detailHighlighting:
bool, if true a user defined meshrenderer is highlighted when the message is activeHighlight Object
: list of objects (mesh-renderer) to highlight, when the message is activeHighlight Material:
material which is used to highlightFlickerEffectMaterial:
bool, if true the material flickersFlickerMaterial:
second material of the flicker effectFlickerTime:
float for the flicker speedSignalMessage
: signal of type PLC Output Bool. When the signal is true the message is active.Signal Acknowledge
: signal of type PLC Input Bool. When the user confirms the message by using the button "Acknowledge" the message will be closed.Signal Cancel
: Optional signal of type PLC Input Bool. When the user is pressing the cancel button the message will be put back on the last position of the stack.References:
game object references to set all message information.
Last updated