Material Window

Improve work with imported CAD-data

The Material Window is only available within the professional version.

The material window makes it easy to assign a specific material to a selection. You can setup your own material palet or use out default palet.

Opening the material window

To open the material window please select: realvirtual/MaterialWindow (Pro).

Choose a material palet

To select a palette, simply click on the current material list. If you want to create your own material, click on "New material set". This creates an asset called: "MaterialPalet" in the Assets folder and displays its parameters in the Inspector. You can then create your material list.

Select and set materials

The material window contains a palet of materials. If you want to select all elements with a particular material, simply click on "Select" right next to the material. If you want to assign a material to your current selection, simply click on the "Set" button next to the selected material.

Last updated