Siemens Simit Interface

included in Professional


The Siemens Simit Unity Coupling Interface is a powerful interface that allows for time-synced communication with Siemens Simit and other programs like PLCSIMAdvanced. It serves as an alternative to the Simit Shared Memory Interface, offering the ability to synchronize Simit and Unity, even slowing down Unity if necessary. However, for standard use cases, it is recommended to use the standard Simit Shared Memory Interface.

Additional information on the Siemens Simit Interface can be found at this page:

Siemens Simit Coupling - Documentation

To utilize this interface, you need to obtain the necessary files from Siemens and follow the installation instructions provided in the manual:

Interface configuration

To use this interface, you must install the Siemens Unity package into the project following the instructions provided in the Siemens documentation mentioned above. Additionally, the scripting define symbol REALVIRTUAL_SIEMENSSIMIT (GAME4AUTOMATION_SIEMENSSIMIT before 2022) must be included in the Unity player settings after the Siemens Unity Package has been installed.

You can use the interface by either by accessing the main menu or by dragging the SiemensSimitInteface prefab into the desired scene. Also the SimitConnection Prefab , delivered in the Siemens Package needs to be inside the scene.

All Signals needs to be added as a children under SiemensSimitInterface. For exporting the signals to Simit push the button UpdateSimitSignals.

After Update Simit Signals the signals can be imported in your Simit Project by Update Signals in the Unity Coupling. Within Simit all Signals will be called in this fixed manner: [SimitInterfaceName].realvirtualCoupler.[SignalName]

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